Macabee Dorper Lamb
Back to full stallholder listStallholder Anthea Brown
SFM Since 2013
Type Meat/Poultry | Small Goods
Attends Weekly
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Macabee Dorper Lamb (“MDL”) operates on “Baillee Farm”, an 880ha property located in the picturesque Avon Valley 90kms from Perth between the towns of Toodyay and Northam. We run Dorpers, Boer Goats and Angus cattle.
Our flock is free to do what comes naturally - roam and graze. Our stock is not fed pellets or fattened in a feedlot.
For the last 4 years we have been farming using more harmonious biological farming methods to produce more robust and resilient plants and animals.
Our products are available directly, at our weekly stall at the Subiaco Farmers Markets and we supply boutique butchery, Hampshire on Eighth, Maylands. Our product is also supplied to restaurants and cooking schools.
“From our paddocks to your plate.”
Delicious Produce Awards Finalist 2015