20 things to do in Perth this summer
A fabulous article and photo in The West Australian about 20 things to do in Perth this summer. Wander down to Subi Farmers Market and check out the delicious food for yourself.
Keith says markets are good for you
A heart-felt story about Keith who is recovering from a stem cell transplant. He reckons Subi Farmers Market is good for you (page 11).
Subiaco Farmers Market goes from strength to strength
A brilliant article and photo in The Western Suburbs Weekly celebrating Subi Farmers Market turning 7!
Subi Farmers Market gets busy on Saturday mornings
A good article in The Western Suburbs Weekly to check out Subi Farmers Market on Saturday mornings.
Subi Post – Fathers Day Yoga at SFM
A fantastic article and photo in the Subi Post talking about the upcoming yoga sessions at Subi Farmers Market, in particular the free Fathers Day yoga sessions for Dads! List – 50 Things You Should Have Done If You Live In Perth
Live in Perth? How many of these 50 have you done so far? Very funny article. List – 5 Farmers Markets You Should Visit This Weekend
A great article talking about some of Perth’s best farmers markets including, of course, Subi Farmers Market!