Le Crepe Chocolat
Back to full stallholder listStallholder Jez
SFM Since 2010
Type Breakfast/Brunch
Attends Weekly
Web http://www.thecornerbeli.com.au
Le Crepe Chocolat is a crepe stall that operates on the philosophy of its big brother, “The Corner Beli” and we are interested in fresh milk, happy eggs, and perfect crepe circles. All our crepe fillings are local and fresh, pumpkins are home roasted, and the crepe batter is home spun.
We have some crowd favourites, such as roast pumpkin, pesto, spinach and halloumi, and we also have a rolling menu that might see an organic bolognese sauce put into a crepe to create the nations only lasagna crepe. Fried or scrambled eggs are used to dazzling effect and roasted almonds are tossed onto salted caramel, banana and cream only to be doused in a nip of Frangelico and a dust of cinnamon. Of course the fun doesn’t stop there, all the old favourites are here too, lemon and sugar, nutella and of course ham, cheese and tomato.
Contact your Local Beli for special functions, Grande Marnier crepe weddings, festivals, weekly markets and to find out where you can get your future crepe. We operate out of Subiaco, Scarborough, Success and Mount Claremont. Look forward to seeing you with your treat.